"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deut. 6:7

We cannot hand God down to our children like a family heirloom the way we might pass on a box of well-loved Christmas ornaments or a Grandfather's old watch. But through our traditions, both the everyday and the special-day, we can introduce them to the One who made them and loves them and wants to call them His own.
This year in our house we began a new tradition called the Jesse Tree. (You can download the readings and printable ornaments from Ann Voskamp's website, her free gift! And she talks about the Tree in this beautiful post from yesterday.)
"New tradition" may sound like an oxymoron, but we are a young family- traditions must start somewhere, yes? What traditions mark this time of the year in your family?
Christie began a new tradition with her daughter Lily this week. Read about it here...Advent (Day 17)
{Please join me each day until Christmas at There is a River with my sister, Christie Purifoy, as she shares beautiful thoughts, poetry, and prayers for Advent against a backdrop of the images you will see here. You are also invited to contribute your own photos to the Advent Flickr group. If you are not a photographer, we hope you will still join both of us there to watch as the season quietly unfolds in pictures.}
Lily had a great time helping us all to remember St. Lucia's Day. It really was thrilling to be woken up by a girl in a white dress, carrying cookies, with candles on her head. She did a great job.