Friday, October 7, 2011

crayola crafting

We finally got around to that other project I mentioned. It was super easy, totally fun for everyone, and the result is going to look way cool hanging in Tristan's room...
melted crayon art
(We did another old favorite melted crayon craft a few weeks ago -see it hanging back there in the window?)
There are variations of this crayon-melted-on-canvas idea all over Pinterest and the web. I really liked Meg's version over here, and I think hers were the pictures that convinced me to try it.
melted crayon art
I figured the hot glue gun portion of this project was better left to me, myself, and I, so I fixed crayons onto canvas late one evening while Shawn browsed netflix for us. (I can rarely just sit still and watch t.v. can you? I think it probably drives the husband crazy.)
Also, I wanted to choose the colors to match my boys decor because I'm controlling like that.
melted crayon art
The hair dryer melting portion of the project is completely kid-friendly and so fun to watch. When those colors start to run it's like magic. Seriously, this could become an addiction. Tristan even had the genius idea to make four canvases, each one with colors of a season (how gorgeous would that be?!)
It was dark when we finished up this evening so I'll take a picture of the final work once we find just the right spot for it in T's room. He suggested we hang it on the ceiling. We'll have to see about that.
melted crayon art


  1. Now that looks like fun! Hands on projects like that are such a good way to learn about the physical universe --- will pay off one day when Tristan is taking high school physics!

  2. Love the zinnias on your heading. Thought of you while in Ames this past week. The campus was gorgeous with fall color

  3. VERY cool. I love that the whole family was involved! I'm sure it looks awesome in T's room!

  4. My son's 1st grade class did this yesterday in Science as an experiment.

  5. I love how creative and engaging you made this project.


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