Friday, October 28, 2011

after a rough start to the week

I needed to remind myself why we home school
(let's go to the beach -because it's a beautiful day and we can!)
kate and the sea
I needed to see them laugh and play and not cry over math
(can you imagine counting all these grains of sand? how many shells are in your bucket?
how do I make a dollar for the bridge toll?)
sand play
we needed to hold hands and take deep breaths
so that we could carry as much fresh air home with us as possible
(along with our buckets of shells and sand and memories)
sea colors
and then we left sandy and smiling, reminded.
(this is what it's all about...)
43/52 shadows


  1. Gorgeous! I need to visit those white-sand beaches.

  2. Home schooling does have benefits! What fun.

  3. Thank you thank you! It is SO nice to see even veteran homeschool moms have rough weeks! And that the kids cry over math! Know this post really helped me in my sometime struggle with this new journey.

  4. i can't believe you are going to the beach right now wearing t-shirts and shorts. Did you see my latest post? see what Josiah's wearing?? :) *hugs*


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