Wednesday, September 29, 2010

distractions and dead arms

Is it cheating the plan if instead of old photos, I post some of the videos Shawn and I have been watching while I've been working?  No really, I am! I am sitting here on the floor (because my computer is currently residing on the coffee table -did I mention one of the projects on my list is getting my stinkin' desk re-finished and back in here?!) and I am surrounded by cd cases and hard drives and lists and well, acorns and the memory game and library I guess I do have a few distractions.  No wonder I'm so behind.
Also, my arms and legs keep falling asleep.  This is a really bad way to work.  While I move around to restore circulation to my limbs, I enjoy these...

By the way, there is also some good music in the sidebar over to the left just above a list of fun places to visit -you know, if you need a break or whatever.  Like Mila's Daydreams for instance.  I could stare at those fun shots all day! Oh and Today's Letters, of course.  And habit always gets me...
Oh, what?! Work?!
Right, ok. Back to it.


  1. Hmm. So, I take it that it's no coincidence that I thought of you the first time I heard JJ Heller, like a year or so ago. Something in her words...and the melody of the song I heard at that time... was totally Kelli. :)

  2. Sara -you do know me well, my friend:)

  3. Love Habit... One of my favorite!
    and oh my, the food court musical is too funny.

    Have a great weekend!


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