Thursday, April 22, 2010

thoughts on Earth Day

John Muir once said that "in every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks". I would say that's true, however the gift is coming not from nature but through it. Oh how much our God reveals to us through His creation -from the sand and flowers to the sweet lives entrusted to our care.
Go outside today and look closely at this world we've been given. Miraculous things are in your own backyard. If you're stuck indoors with sick ones (as we are today, unfortunately) you can at least bring a little of the outside in. It doesn't take much. A jar of leaves and twigs will do.
"God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." Genesis 1:31


  1. So right on!
    Flying in today over the green hills of the Bay area, I'm constantly amazed at the beauty He designed into His creation!....then on top of that seeing fence-rows full of rambling roses in full-bloom along Oakland's Blvd'! what a sight!
    Love the pics! luv d

  2. Kelli, I used to say Muir's quote every day on my boat tours. What a beautiful spring we are having!

  3. Love this! I've always thought that atheists would cease to be atheists, if only they would go outside and have a good look around. Of course, that's only my simple opinion!!

    Once again your photos are just lovely! :)


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