I told you the garden is teaming with butterflies! While I have yet to take any pictures that top the ones I caught last year, I do like these. Right now I can't spend too much time being still in the yard as the mosquitos take that as an open invitation to attack. Maybe in a couple more weeks I'll be able to get some better bug and flower shots.
I can't believe September is here. School, rainy days, the need for new shoes and a kid asking for pumpkin bread are signs of autumn closing in, but hot and muggy days spent trying to find fun indoor activities after short -very short- bursts of outside activity that leave us sticky with sweat and benadryl itch spray tell me summer is still hanging on like this run-on sentence.
There is still more summer to be enjoyed and I guess it's best to live in today, as we really never know what the next season will bring.
It is not cold there? It's cold here this morning. Brr. I had to wear a jacket!