Thursday, August 20, 2009

kansas city | at the marble factory

When they first moved here, my parents thought the Moon Marble Company made kitchen counters. After reading a blurb in the local paper they realized it was actually a glass marble factory and a great spot to take the grand kids. We watched an artist make a marble with a tiny tree frog sitting on it from start to finish before filling tubes with our own to take home. Where are those marbles now?? Who knows...


  1. Oh how cool! Sounds like a really fun place to visit.

  2. How much fun! I remember playing with marbles when I was a kiddo!

  3. That's awesome! I've been wanting to take Trev someplace where he could pick out his own marbles from big barrels like that. I guess we know where to go next time we visit the fam!

  4. I love it! In my elementary school there was a marble craze and everyone played, sold, traded, and collected marbles. every since then I have such affection for them. This would be so fun.


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