Wednesday, April 16, 2008

with sprinkles on top

Sometimes life gives you ice cream cone cupcakes. Other times you get melted ice cream cone cupcakes...

Either way, life is pretty sweet.


  1. Either way, they look good enough to eat! Very cool! :)
    Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!

  2. These were terrific & such a huge hit with the kids. Thanks Kelli!

  3. Funny! Overfilled, I suppose? Still, it looks like you meant them to be melted. :)
    I hope you'll start sharing some photography tips! What are you using for your black backgrounds? Looks great!

  4. well...look close and you can see the wood grain -it's my dining room table.
    I'm assuming the other black background you are thinking if is the 'sick day' pic of T?
    That one just happened because of the bright light coming in the window and the shadowed corner of the room behind him. I exposed for the sunlit quilt so the background got darkened out.
    I think most of my pics right now are trial and error!


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