I guess I get a little behind on indoor life when Spring comes around.
This morning Christy called to invite us down the street for coffee and I almost said "No, I really should start on this laundry" But wait, coffee and adult conversation and a little sanity -or laundry.
So as I was leaving Christy's house a couple hours later feeling much better about facing this messy day, Christy joked that I would blog about laundry later on. "Ha ha!" I said. "Right. How boring."
Later, as I was sitting at the table watching Kenna smear egg yolk in her hair and reading Real Simple magazine, I read this quote-
"We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy,
even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry."
-E.B. White, Letters of E.B. White
I laughed out loud and thought how funny to read this today and also how appropriate since last night Tristan and I finished our second book by E.B. White this month (Stuart Little this time).
I may not enjoy the work but I enjoy a clean house. Warmer weather is coming our way tomorrow and we have big outside plans so better to get the house clean now and be done with it.
So it's back to laundry and floor scrubbing and egg-yolky hair washing I go with a lighter heart.
Although I think I'd rather be picking grapes.
You had me laughing and tearing up in the same blog... now that's talent... you're a writer!!!!
P.s. I got a great plunger if you need one... what's up with this plumbing anyways!!! Guess our kids need to lay off the tp huh?
What a perfect post........thank you!!